Rent with us
We own around 800 homes across seven islands, in addition to a number of homes in the Oban and Lorn area.
If you wish to apply for a home with us, please register with Home Argyll - a Common Housing Register which lets you apply for a home online.
What is Home Argyll?
The aim of Home Argyll is to make applying for housing easier as well as providing high quality housing information and advice. As well as West Highland, Fyne Homes, Argyll Community Housing Association and Dunbritton Housing Association also advertise their properties on the Home Argyll website.
Filling out one application means that your details on the application are shared by the four housing associations with all using the same method of assessing applications.
We then assess each applicant according to our priority criteria. The person with the greatest housing need will then be offered the property in line with our allocations policy.