Compliments and complaints

We welcome feedback, both positive and negative, as it helps us to develop and improve our services.

Compliments and feedback

We want you to let us know by phone, email, surveys, letter or face-to-face what you thought of the service you received. We are especially delighted to hear when we have got things right.

If you want to provide feedback please:


We aim to get things right first time and want to you to tell us when we don't. Complaints help us monitor our services so we can improve our performance.

Please tell us if:

  • We fail to provide a service or if there is a delay in providing it
  • We provide a poor service
  • You experience unfairness, prejudice or discrimination
  • We breach our policies or procedures
  • You are unhappy about any other aspect of your experience as a customer

How to complain

If you want to make a complaint please call, write or complete the online form as detailed above.

Once we have received your complaint we will aim to respond in five working days or less. 

If you are not happy with our response

If the complaint has not been resolved or you remain dissatisfied you can take it to a Stage 2 complaint. This means we will carry out a detailed investigation into your complaint. We will give you a full response within 20 working days or less.

At this point, if you are still dissatisfied with our decision or the way we dealt with your complaint, you can ask the Scottish Public Sector Ombudsman to review it. You can contact them  online  or by calling freephone 0800 377 7330

Significant performance failures

If you feel that we have not done something, or we take action which has put the interests of our tenants at risk you can report this as a 'Significant Performance Failure' to the Scottish Housing Regulator. You can contact them on 0141 305 4199 or by emailing

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