Link group
In 2015 we joined the Link group, one of the largest housing organisations based in Scotland. We remain an independent organisation with our own voluntary Board comprising 12 members who are elected through the Annual General Meeting process.
Through our work with Link, we have substantial plans for the development of high quality affordable housing in Oban and Dunbeg area. Link is committed to this as part of their plans for 3,200 affordable homes throughout Scotland, including 300 new homes in the Oban area.
Partnership working
We work in partnership with other key agencies to promote jointly agreed aims, in terms of housing and other wider community issues e.g. the Scottish Government, Argyll and Bute Council, Argyll and the Isles Enterprise and other members of the Argyll and Bute Community Planning Partnership.
We are part of the Home Argyll partnership, which makes it easy for people to find housing in Argyll and Bute. This is a partnership between West Highland, Argyll and Bute Council and three other local housing associations - Fyne Homes, Dunbritton Housing Association and Argyll Community Housing Association.