We can help provide adaptations to your home if you are having difficulty in managing personal or domestic tasks in or around your home. We can also provide equipment or an adaptation to a property to assist an older or disabled person.
We are aware of the need to consider alterations to tenant’s properties to suit the changing needs of an existing tenant or of a new tenant who may have or may develop some form of disability. We will endeavour to carry out recommended alterations within the given restraints of the property.
We apply to the Scottish Government for Housing Association Grant for adaptation works each year and uses any funding received on a priority basis.
Request an assessment
You can request an assessment of your need to adapt your property by making an application to the Community Occupational Therapy Assessment team through your GP or Council Social Work Department. The result of the assessment and recommendations will be sent to us outlining the priority against each proposal.
We will consider each request for adaptation based on priority, available funding and organise detailed designs to be prepared if required. The work will be carried out by approved Contractors as soon as practical afterwards.
More information
We would encourage you to either discuss your circumstances with your GP or Health Professional. Alternatively, contact us for advice.