Voting in the Scottish Local Government Elections - 5th May 2022

The Scottish Local Government - or council - elections take place on 5th May 2022. In Argyll and Bute, people will be asked to elect the 36 councillors who will shape key local services for the next five years. Here is some information to help you take part and use your vote and your voice in these elections.
Do you want to have your say in the council elections in Argyll and Bute?
If you want to take part and help to decide who represents your local community by voting in the council elections this May, you must be registered to vote first. It’s quick and easy to do - you can do it online and it only takes a few minutes. Find out more at Register to vote online - - but for these elections you will need to register by Monday 18th April 2022.
Did you know that you have choices about how you cast your vote?
While who you vote for is entirely up to you, when it comes to how you vote, you have a number of options. You can vote by post or by proxy - where you appoint someone you trust to cast your vote on your behalf. You can also apply online for postal and proxy votes at Voter | Electoral Commission (make sure you select Scotland as your location so that you get the right forms and deadlines). You must apply for a postal vote by Tuesday 19th April and the proxy deadline is Tuesday 26th April.
Did you know that you can protect your anonymity when you register to vote?
When people register to vote, their name and address will normally appear on the electoral register. However, if you think that your name and address being on the register could affect your safety, or someone in your household, you can register to vote anonymously.
This means that you can still vote, but your name and address will not appear on the electoral register. The registration office will not give your details to anyone, unless they are legally required to do so. You can find more information and an online application at Register to vote anonymously | Electoral Commission.
If you are registered as an anonymous voter and you decide to vote in person at a polling station, then you will need to take the polling card you receive when you go to vote. It won’t show your name and address and staff will not ask for these details.
The same deadlines (above) for registration, postal and proxy voting apply.
If you don’t have a fixed address, but still want to vote
It is still possible to vote when you don’t have a fixed address. Depending on your circumstances, you can register to vote at an address where you spend most of your time. This could be during the day or at night. This can be done online at People experiencing homelessness | Electoral Commission.
If you can’t find somewhere to go online or to print off a form, it is possible to contact the Electoral Registration Office for the area or to collect a form from there. In Argyll and Bute, the Electoral Registration Office is at Kilbrannan House, Bolgam Street, Campbeltown. If you are not able to get there, you can telephone them for advice on 01586 555300.