Speak to our senior leadership team!

We want to make sure every tenant has the opportunity to meet our new senior leadership team and discuss what matters to you.
To make this happen, you can catch up with members of our leadership team at in-person appointments, phone or video calls on the following dates:
Chief Executive Brett Sadler
Wednesday 19 October 2022 & Wednesday 15 February 2023
Director of Customer Experience Michael Driscoll
Wednesday 2 November 2022 & Wednesday 8 March 2023
Director of Finance & Support Services Linda Hoar
Thursday 8 December 2022
Partnerships Lead Moira MacVicar
Thursday 12 January 2023
You can request an in-person appointment, phone, or video call during these dates by emailing mail@westhighlandha.co.uk or calling us on 01631 566451.