Read our 2021/22 charter report card!

We have produced a charter peport card which lets you know how we performed on the standards set out in the Scottish Social Housing Charter.
This document is based on our 2020/21 Annual Return on the Charter (ARC) to the Scottish Housing Regulator.
We have focused on:
- how well we keep you informed;
- housing quality and maintenance;
- anti-social behaviour; and
- rents and service charges.
We have also included:
- how we compare with national averages;
- our previous performance; and
- the actions we are taking to improve performance.
We haven't included all the information we report, but you can find this on the Scottish Housing Regulator's website.
If you would like a hard copy of the report, please call our office on 0300 323 1170.
You can read our 2021/22 charter report card here.