30 families move into new affordable housing in Dunbeg

30 people and families are setting up new homes in Dunbeg this week thanks to affordable housing developed by Link Group and funded in partnership with the Scottish Government and Argyll and Bute Council, the homes are managed by West Highland Housing Association.
One tenant said: “I love the design and the location, it’s very bright and my family will be a lot happier here. It’s perfect for my son and daughter and will really help improve our mental health.”
Another tenant, who was living in temporary accommodation for 18 months, said her “beautiful four-bedroom home with a garden is like a dream house.”
Link Group Commercial Director Colin Culross said: “It is fantastic to complete this key stage of the development and I am delighted to see the difference these modern, affordable homes are already making to people’s lives and we look forward to delivering the rest of these homes.”
Chair of West Highland Housing Association Gerry Boyle said: "This is great news for everyone involved in delivering this project - the Scottish Government, Link Group, Argyll and Bute Council and MacLeods Construction with all the other contractors.
"This is one of the largest developments in recent years in Argyll in terms of numbers of properties being built and in terms of money, over £60m, and it is great to see 30 families move into these new houses."